19 October 2012

Deer Rut in Richmond Park

Deer rut in Richmond Park - An Iain Green Photography day. http://www.naturebygreen.com/

Following on the training days I have done at WWT Barnes with Iain Green I decided to go to one of the guided days in Richmond Park to photograph the deer rut. This is a regular event run by Iain and one of his photos from here features on the cover of his book. (Which incidentally I won in the intermediate photography day last year).

We a group  of four and Iain) met at 07:45 on a dull day and immediately saw a small herd of red deer with a large stag keeping order. There was a minor challenge from a smaller stag but a few bellows and a trot towards him from the 'boss' soon put paid to that. The London skyline was just about visible but it was quite murky.

The morning brightened slightly but the skies remained overcast and later on the rain returned. Despite this there were plenty of deer to see and much bellowing echoing across the park.

There was plenty of autumn colour in the trees and bracken, it just needed a bright blue sky to really make the colours stand out.

As the light was low I took advantage of the longer shutter speed to try a zoom burst of the leaves.

We came across several types of fungi were growing up in the grass and dead tree trunks.

The walk finished at 2 P.M. and shortly after that the rain really came down hard so I was glad to be back in the car.

02 October 2012

Ashford Camera Club AGM 2012

The ACC AGM took place on 2nd October. Along with the usual AGM business the themed competition was held. The theme, set at last year's AGM, was Red. Everyone can submit up to four pictures and members vote for their favourites using tokens.

I submitted four pictures this year.
The first was a Guelder Rose berry taken at the London WWT centre at Barnes.

Guelder Rose
 The next two were taken on Brownsea Island. The first is one of the mad chickens (they run right up to you and then slowly strut along in front whilst making low, slightly menacing, chicken calls.
Chicken Stare

The third pictures is of a Red squirrel feeding at the National Trust feeder on Brownsea Island.

Red Squirrel

and finally, some Chinese Lanterns from Chinese New Year in London.

Chinese Lanterns

There were a lot of photos submitted (all as prints) and the votes were well spread. I received a vote for Chicken Stare and Guelder Rose berry. The winning print was of the Field of Rememberance focussing on just the crosses and dominant red poppies.

Next year's theme is Humour.