11 November 2012

Sunny Morning in Stroude

A very sunny Sunday so I went for a walk around Stroude to catch some late autumn colour. The walk was quite successful and along the way I spotted Roe Deer, a fox, green woodpecker and red kite.
I was using a wide angle lens so the wildlife had to take second place to the landscape and trees.

 The slight frost overnight left a lot of dew on the grass and undergrowth. This did make the ground very wet underfoot so wellies and waterproof trousers were needed.

Sparkling dew

 The shot I had in mind at this location didn't quite work out as the sun was in the wrong position. Looking at the map I don't think it would ever be right unless the sun rises in the North! It still made a pleasing picture.

Still reflection

 The colours of the leaves had lost some of their early autumn punch but the clear blue sky did allow for good colour contrast.

Yellow on Blue
Under the tree canopy I looked for fungi but there were very few to be seen. NOt to be outdone I took this shot looking back toward the sun.

Shady Birch Trees

As the morning warmed up I noticed lots of dragonflies pairing up and darting about the waters edge. They were moving very quickly so were had to get in frame, here is one of the better shots. Looking online they seem likely to be Ruddy Darter!

Ruddy Darters

As I was about to put the camera away and head home I spotted a Red Kite circling above.

Red Kite

All in all a most pleasant walk on a warm, sunny Sunday.