25 February 2011

ACC Q1 DPI Competition

Tuesday 22nd is the first quarter digital projected image competition at Ashford Camera club. I have an entry for all three categories Nature, General and Portrait. These were taken on the Isle of Muck, Isle of Eigg and at the Chinese New Year celebrations for the year of the rabbit in London's China town.

The Nature picture is of a horse on the beach at Gallanach on the Isle of Muck.

This scored 9 out of 10, good points being the mixture of foreground, middle ground and background, the horse looking into the picture and colours in the sea.

The general picture is the photogenic red roofed cottage on the Isle of Eigg but with a hiker approaching to distinguish it from other similar shots.

The judge did say this was a typical 'chocolate box' image and there were probably some more interesting shots up amongst the rocks in the background. He also checked the walker was approaching the cottage as my title was 'Nearly Home'. They do take the title into account. The failings of the picture were also associated with the colours, which were a bit muted and could have done with more saturation in post capture.

The portrait was taken amongst the crowds at the Chinese New Year celebrations in London in February 2011.

This also scored 9 out of 10. The judge liked the 'moment' caught in the shot and commented that these shots can be hard to capture in such a busy scene; he wasn't wrong there. 

So, quite pleased with 26.5 out of 30 on the evening. 
The next competition evening is back to prints on 3rd May.

Ashford Camera Club website - http://www.ashfordcameraclub.org.uk/

11 February 2011

Summer bulbs planted 11/02

Freesia and Dutch Iris bulbs from Poundland planted in the garden. Let's se what comes up.

06 February 2011

New Neighbours?

Sunday morning, 20th February and a Blue Tit is investigating the nest box outside the kitchen window. There was quite an interest last spring and even some nest building but no eggs laid. Fingers crossed they decide to stay this year.

01 February 2011

ACC Q1 Print competition

The first quarterly print competition took place on Tuesday, 1st February. The normal categories are General, Nature and Portrait. I put in two prints, both printed to A4 size at home (must do a blog entry on equipment used) and mounted on cream card.

The general picture was taken in Camden with the JLP photography club and is of a large soap bubble with pedestrians behind.  The judge scored this at 8.5

The second picture was a nature picture and was my shot of a Mayfly taken at Wraysbury in 2009. This was well received and scored 9. The points against were just that the body was a little dark compared to the rest of the image.

Ashford Camera Club website - http://www.ashfordcameraclub.org.uk/