22 April 2012

Wraysbury on a Sunday morning

As is my wont on a Sunday morning, I took a walk around the old gravel pits and woods close to Wraysbury. The sun was shining but the forecast was for rain later in the day so I wanted to make the most of it. The temperature was quite pleasant so I hoped to see newly emerged butterflies and possibly even damsel flies.
On my circular route I took a more wooded path than normal, I usually keep close to the water. This produced several male Orange tips (only the males have orange tips!) a Speckled Wood and two Brimstone. There was also a small white one which may have been  'Small White' or a female Orange tip (who don't have orange tips!).
Orange Tip

Speckled Wood

Along by the reservoir banks the sheep and lambs were keeping their distance so I couldn't get any particularly good shots but I did try to get a 'little lamb lost' shot.

It is always worth a look for Peregrine Falcons on the electricity pylon close to the rail crossing but no luck this time. In fact it is usually during the winter when they show up here. Hopefully, they are off rearing some young aerial hunters. One thing hoping they wouldn't be too close was a male chaffinch.


One final weird sighting was a cluster of toadstools growing out of a dead tree trunk - strange for spring but a result of the recent wet weather?

Toadstools in Spring

All in all a very good couple of hours and a good way to spend the best weather of the day.

I was using my Canon 450D with 70-200mm lens.

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