The two images I have submitted are shown below. The judges comments will follow, unless they are really poor in which case I might remove this post!
General category: Prospect Cottage
This is Derek Jarman's cottage in Dungeness, Kent. The model is Gill.
Score 9.5/10. The judge liked the composition including the low angle which brought in the strong colours of the flowers. The exposure of the black cottage was good and the interest in the sky helped add to the picture. The young lady, who appeared to be looking at something out of frame, was placed well.
Nature Category: Eagle Eye
This was taken at the English School of Falconry. The bird is a juvenile Bald Eagle and so is yet to gain the characteristic white plumage of a mature adult Bald Eagle.
Score 9.5/10. Good composition with the bird looking into the frame. The blurred background helped concentrate on the bird which showed sharp detail in the eye and feathers. The half point was lost on the overexposed beak. Annoyingly, I noticed this when reviewing my pictures for the competition but it was too late to resubmit!
I think it was the young lady who lost you the half point on the first photo ;)