20 May 2010


As the weather was overcast but warm I thought it would be worth going to Wraysbury to look for Damsel flies waiting to warm up. Sure enough the plants close to the stream had many demoiselles laying about waiting for the sun. Took plenty of photos but as light was low level shutter speeds were quite long so I increased the ISO on the Canon 450D to 800. Took lots of time wandering up usual route towards level crossing and over the metal bridge to the scrub. Walked on to the metal barrier prior to the British Airways sailing club. Took a left turn to see where the path went and after a while expected to arrive back by the bridge but in fact ended up back where I left the bike, which was a surprise. Lots of mayfly resting on the plants close to the water. Saw two Orange Tip butterflies but they were fairly distant and almost constantly on the move.
The birds are difficult to see now the leaves are really coming through, they are in good voice and species heard were
Blackbird, song thrush, chiff chaff, blackcap, whitethroat, great spotted and green woodpecker,
On the water there were GC grebes, swan, coot, mallard, bh gull and common tern

The undergrowth is growing well too.
Plants identified

  • Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
  • Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
  • Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
  • Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea)

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