23 September 2010

Big Trees and Big Views

I drove back into Yosemite and went in search of the Giant Sequoias at Tuolumne Grove. Unlike the hike yesterday this one takes you down 400 feet to get to the grove. Here you can see lots of of these giant trees towering over the standard size pines. There are plenty of information boards dotted along the trail to explain about the trees and how new knowledge is helping to protect them. No one is allowed to hug them anymore as frequent foot steps around the base lead to damage of the roots. Also, in past years fires were put out to ‘protect’ the trees but now it is known that fires are a vital part of the lifecycle of the trees (clearing forest litter to allow the seeds to grow).  Having descended 400’ to get to the grove it was then necessary to ascend those same 400’ but it was well worth the effort.

Giant Sequoia
After my homemade sandwich I headed further in to the park to go to Glacier point. This is not far from Yosemite village but is much higher – 1000s of feet higher and so it takes a while to drive there. The final few bends of the road provide another wow moment as the view opens right up just as you negotiate a hairpin and arrive in the car park. Once out of the car it is a fairly short (level) walk to the view point, and what a view point! This does deserve the word awesome. In the words of the National Park Service “some would say[Glacier Point], is the most spectacular viewpoint anywhere. Most people agree that its views of the high country and breathtaking views of Yosemite Valley, including Half Dome and three waterfalls, are the most spectacular in the park

View from Glacier Point
Considering the height (over 7000' feet) it was a really pleasant afternoon so I spent an hour trying to capture the scene and take it all in. It was quite a shock to see, way down below, the top of the Vernal Falls I had climbed up to the previous day. I indulged in a hot chocolate at the cafe then headed back to the lodge. I ate in the restaurant next door and had Chicken Noodle soup and spiced chicken breast washed down with a pint of draught Coors beer served in an unfeasibly large glass.

Tomorrow, I have a camera walk with a guide from the Ansel Adams gallery at 8:30 and as it is an hours drive to get there I have an early start. Then, it is goodbye Yosemite and onwards to the city by the Bay, San Francisco.

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